Contact: barbaraweissberger(at)
Barbara Weissberger stages photographs and works with textiles to consider bodies, objects, the weird, and the everyday. Weissberger’s work has been supported by a Guggenheim Fellowship, numerous artist residencies in the US and abroad including Yaddo, MacDowell, Camargo, and Bogliasco. Her work has been exhibited at such venues as Silver Eye, PS1/MoMA, Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center, The Drawing Center, The Mattress Factory, ADA Gallery, and The Missoula Art Museum. Her work has been written about in journals including Femme Art Review and The Heavy Collective. She received an M.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute. She was born in New Jersey, lived in San Francisco and New York before moving to Pittsburgh where she is currently based.
VCCA, multiple, Heinz Fellow 2007, Dodge Foundation Fellow 2000
The Bogliasco Foundation, Italy, 2018
VCCA France, 2017
The Drawing Center, Open Sessions inaugural year participating artist, 2014 - 2015
The Ragdale Foundation, 2014, 2016, 2018
The Hambidge Center, National Endowment for the Arts Distinguished
Fellowship, Georgia, June 2013
The Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France, 2011
Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus, Schwandorf, Germany 2010
Ucross Foundation, 2009
Montana Artists Refuge, multiple
Guggenheim Fellowship, 2007
Yaddo, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Fellow, 2000
MacDowell Colony, 1999, 1997
Selected Solo and Two-person Exhibitions
Material Girls, Catskill Art Space, Livingston Manor, NY
Digging In, three-person exhibition, Cody Gallery, Marymount University, Arlington, VA
We Are So Nervous We Almost Look Calm, stop-gap projects, Columbia, MO
Mother, solo, Silver Eye Center for Photography, Pittsburgh, PA
The Soft State of Custodia, (ALDRICH + WEISSBERGER), Bunker Projects, Pittsburgh, PA
Perception, two-person, Missoula Art Museum, Missoula, MT
Custodia, (ALDRICH + WEISSBERGER), Courtside, Knoxville, TN
Barbara Weissberger: One-woman Group Show, solo, Kipp Gallery, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
My Own Cozy Homemade Void, solo, Placeholder, Millvale, PA
This Is Not A Sock, solo, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
Impact Silhouette, solo, COOP, Nashville, TN
Dirty Work, (ALDRICH + WEISSBERGER), UAG, University of Pittsburgh, PA
Hive and Double, (ALDRICH + WEISSBERGER), Grin, Providence, RI
General Delivery 59631, solo, Incident Report, Hudson, NY
Pulse of Plasma, solo, Gridspace, Brooklyn, NY
Meat Horizon, solo, The Holter Museum, Helena, MT, catalogue
The Liver’s Ten Kinds of Desire, solo, Artspace New Haven, CT
Meaty Pastoral, solo, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
Are We Just Going To Stand And Watch This?, Solo, Hallwalls, Buffalo, NY, catalogue
Muscle-licious!, solo, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA
My Hamburger, solo, Capsule Gallery, New York, NY
Selected Group Exhibitions
IRREGULAr, Project Artspace, New York, NY
Prima Materia, The Post Office, Port Ewen, NY
I'll Be Your Mirror, Moss Art Center, ALDRICH + WEISSBERGER, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Everything Once Arranged Has Now Become Scattered, Anderson Gallery VCU,
Richmond, VA
I’m Never Coming Home, Commabox v.3, Whitespace, Atlanta, GA
Various Fibers and Other Ingredients, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
Follow the Thread, Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA
Brackett Creek Invitational, Brackett Creek Exhibitions, Bozeman, MT
Modicum, Artspace New Haven, CT
_ _ _ _ _ _, organized by Brett Yasko, SPACE Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
Pedestrian Rules, three-person, Woskob Family Gallery Penn State, State College, PA
Island, Oasis, Mirage, three-person, Big Medium, Austin, TX
Degrees of Separation, SPACE Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
John Riegert, SPACE Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
Small Objects On Tables, Flotilla Flotilla, Pittsburgh, PA
Generator, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
Name It by Trying to Name It: Open Sessions 2014-2015, (with Eleanor Aldrich), The Drawing Center, NY, NY
Paper Route 66, BravinLee, NY, NY
PhAb Now!, Pittsburgh Filmmakers, Pittsburgh, PA
Object + Action + Exchange, Satellite Contemporary, Las Vegas, NV
Across the Short Divide, Knoxville, TN
Natural Enemies, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY
Drawing Center Open Sessions at The Poor Farm, Little Wolf, Wisconsin
Pittsburgh Biennial, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and Pittsburgh Filmmakers, Pittsburgh, PA
Open Sessions: OBJECT+ACTION+EXCHANGE, The Drawing Center, New York, NY
Thinking Drawing, Clarion University, PA
Photoville, with Dumbo Art Center, Brooklyn Bridge Park, NY and NADA Hudson
Full Fathom Five, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, NY, NY
Charm School, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
Rock, SPACE Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
Tasty Morsels, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
Pittsburgh Biennial, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA (catalogue)
Cut, Copy, Fold, Artist Image Resource, Pittsburgh, PA
Figures of Thinking: Convergences in Contemporary Culture,
Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art, University of Richmond, (Two-year traveling exhibition, catalogue), Richmond, VA,
Mis-Demeanor, Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, OH
Gestures, Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, PA
Terrible Danger Ahead!, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY
Watch What We Say, Schroeder Romero,Brooklyn, NY
Repulsion, Illinois State University at Normal, Normal, IL
Man Walks Into A Room, DUMBO Arts Center, Brooklyn, NY
Return to the Battle of the Ironclads, HEREart, New York, NY
Outer Boroughs, White Columns, New York, NY
100 Drawings, PS1 Institute for Contemporary Art, Long Island City, NY
Other Projects
(It) Feels, collaboration with Staycee Pearl Dance Project and Soy Sos, March, 2023
Variations on Want, collaboration with choreographer Charly Santagado,
Counterpointe, Brooklyn, NY, March 2022
I’m Never Coming Home, Commabox v. 3, collaboration with Judith Rushin, Carolyn Henne, Eleanor Aldrich, Erin Belieu, and Kelly Hendrickson, 2020
They Sang But Had Nor Human Tunes Nor Words, video for collaboration with Eric Moe, composer, Beyond 2020: Microtonal Music Festival, Pittsburgh, PA
The Color of There Seen From Here, video for collaborative piece for chamber ensemble and video projection with Eric Moe, composer, Electric Earth Concerts, Peterborough, NH, and Duke University, Duke Gardens, 2019
Sym, collaboration with Staycee Pearl Dance Project, projections and fabric design
for costume, 2019
CSA PGH, Community Supported Art Pittsburgh, 2014
Strange Attractors: Investigations in Non-humanoid Extraterrestrial Sexualities, contributor, curated by Suzie Silver and Encyclopedia Destructica, 2011
Six impossible things before breakfast, contributor to Work 6, curated by Michael Wilson, a collaborative project of the artist Olga Adelantado, 2007
The Sparky Project, contributor artist’s project, Nelson Santos, Schroeder Romero/Winkelman Gallery Project Space in 2008
Selected Bibliography/Publication
She Performs, interview with Nicola Waterman, 2022
The Heavy Collective, “Barbara Weissberger: Mother,” J Houston, 2020
Austin Chronicle, “Island Oasis Mirage” at Big Medium, Sam Anderson-Ramos, June 30, 2017
City Paper, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts Offers a Potent and Diverse Pittsburgh Biennial, Bill O’Driscoll, August 14, 2008
Artvoice, Piecing It Together, by Lucy Yau, April 30, 2008
Meatpaper, Issue 2, Winter 2007, interview with Sasha Wizansky
City Paper, Fleshed Out, Sherrie Flick, May 3, 2007
Meatpaper, Issue Zero, March 2007, cover
Cleveland Free Times, Discomfort Levels, Michael Gill, December, 2006
ART PAPERS, Gestures, Jennie Klein, November/December 2005
Catalogue Essays
Mother, gallery guide essay, Kate Kelley, Assistant Curator, Silver Eye Center for Photogrpahy
Barbara Weissberger: One Woman Group Show, essay, Elizabeth Saperstein, Kipp
Gallery, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Overlap: Barbara Weissberger’s Meat Horizon, essay, Melissa Kwasny, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
Are we just going to stand and watch this?, essays, John Massier, Visual Arts Curator, Hallwalls, and Heather Pesanti
Figures of Thinking: Convergences in Contemporary Culture, essay, Vicky Clark and Sandhini Poddar co-curators travelling exhibition, University of Richmond Museums, and the University of Washington Press
San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA, MFA
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, BA, Studio Art
Oberlin College, Oberlin OH